Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rejuvenation Study

Life is a journey and a personal study for each of us to find the keys to what gives us a sense of vitality, healthfullness, and a sense of balance and inner peace. We are all searching for what helps us feel ALIVE and Rejuvenated!
Welcome to my Rejuvenation Study! My name is Rebecca Willis, I have created this website to help inspire myself and others in Transformation, Regeneration and Rejuvenation. I simply desire to do what I love and to help others! This is a creative inspiration of mine and I simply want to share with you the elements that I have found that have helped me to feel rejuvenated.
In my twenties and while pursuing my sociology/psychology degree at Los Angeles Valley College, I became interested in natural cooking and nutrition. With some inspiration from my mom and a friend, we all joined the '70's health food revolution. Hanging out in health food stores, juicing carrots, baking whole grain breads, sprouting seeds, and learning about the best nutritional and healthiest ways to eat, became a passion of mine. I began searching out ways to give my body optimal nutritional support through natural diet and vitamin supplementation. I became devoted to regular exercise and finding ways to physically make my body stronger and more vital through body movement and and activities like Hiking in Nature, Sacred Dance and Hatha Yoga. I also fell deeply in love with the practice of Meditation and feel that meditation and stilling the mind is a positive method for greater inner peace, anti aging and creating more Rejuvenation. Deep breathing is also important for Rejuvenation, being aware of our breath patterns and feeling where we hold onto stress energy in the body is important so can be freer of what holds onto us. I participated two years in a "Breathwork and Focusing" group, learning deep diaphramatic breathing technique to identify and release stress or negative emotions from places in the body. When we are aware of where we hold things, it is much easier to become aware of what we need to let go of in life to lighten our load.
Recently, I had been diligently searching out some extra help for my changing hormones and for slowing down my own aging process. While my husband and I attended an Energy Conference we were very excited when we met a medical Researcher who had been studying the affects and benefits of eating Organic Sulfur since 1999. The Researcher explained why our bodies need Sulfur and that most people are in fact Sulfur deficient. The Researcher told us how the Earth's soils are depleted of Sulfur, which our body needs for all vital healthy functions. I also found that I could be part of the Cellular Matrix Sulfur Study which gathers results from participants, so I can add my own research findings to this pool of participants findings and make a contribution to the Study data. We took "Before" photos in April 2010 so we can track our observations and track how our progress goes. I am also offering this participation in the Cellular Matrix Study to anyone who wishes to participate, this is entirely up to you. You simply take "before photos" and then in 5 months take "progress photos". Just let me know how the Organic Sulfur is working for you and I can pass it on to the Cellular Matrix Study data.
We are both enthusiastic about our progress and feel that our bodies are greatly benefited by eating Organic Sulfur. We are now on our own Rejuvenation Study project and it has felt very motivating to rejuvenate ourselves even more! I am finding each day some way to Rejuvenate myself or do something positive for my body, mind and soul.
Both my husband and I began using this Organic Sulfur in April 2010 and immediately felt positive results. We both feel that we have more energy and our minds feel more alert and clear. We also feel that our skin appears younger and since eating organic Sulfur aids in collagen production, this certainly seems to be true in our own observations of our own skin. The skin under my eyes seems not as transparent and this is where collagen loss is most noticeable. We are also noticing some new hair growth at the hairline, which is growing in darker and not grey and, my hair is growing faster than it had been. We also feel that since our cells are more oxygenated, we feel that we are firing on more circuits, so to speak. Both my husband and I are dreaming more vividly, and this is something that many participants in the Cellular Matrix Sulfur Study are finding as well. We are both also sleeping much better.
Organic Sulfur is clearly our new Beauty Food!
Rejuvenation for me is also being an Organic Farmer and growing most of our organic produce. I know how important it is to have high quality, balanced soil to grow the best produce possible. The human body has the exact same need for balance and we need to give our bodies all the available elements to help our body systems function properly. If our human body is missing an element, the whole body is affected and aging is greatly affected by how much we Rejuvenate ourselves.
I am beginning a new study in Permaculture gardening methods so I can also Rejuvenate the soils we grow our produce in. This all goes hand in hand for me!
We also live off grid and self sufficiently, so by living this way and helping the Environment, we feel Rejuvenated that we are striving to become more energy independent and more self reliant. The Eco systems certainly need Rejuvenation, so each one of us can do something to help Mother Earth and balance her soil.
Rejuvenation for me is also about living my dreams and living in my authentic Self and feeling freedom to express from my heart and my truth. I am very Grateful for my Life and for my husband who always affirms for me that Love is the only power.
Being in the flow of Love is very important to feel Rejuvenated. Loving relationships are paramount in feeling Rejuvenated, so keeping healthy communications in our relationships is a great way to Rejuvenate our Life! Creating more harmony is Rejuvenation!
Expressing one's passion and being able to do what you LOVE is so necessary! Inspiration is Rejuvenation and the intention to transform oneself seems to take on a Life of its own which helps one feel an increased sense of health, well being and joy about life. A sense of Purpose is so Rejuvenating!
I simply want to offer you this awesome Organic Sulfur product that we wholdeheartdly believe in. After reading the history of Sulfur and how the use of chemicals and fertilizers have destroyed the sulfur in our soils, we are convinced that Organic Sulfur is what our bodies were needing to bring it into more balance and Rejuvenation. We are enjoying younger looking hair, skin, nails and much more, Organic Sulfur is clearly a Beauty food!
Rejuvenation is a daily practice!
May this site be ever expanding, ever inspiring and ever Rejuvenating!
Love and Lightness of Being,

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