Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Living My Dreams

Rise and Shine, another day on the hill of dreams.

I had always dreamed about living in the mountains, surrounded by pine trees and majestic views, living off the land and being self sufficient. In my twenties I read The Mother Earth News magazine and read books on living off the land. I thought about ways I could escape the big city and create my most beautiful dreams in some kind of wilderness.

My Fiance and I have both had the same dreams of living self sufficiently, energy efficiently AND living for less money, so together we are continually creating and evolving our Eco Green Lifestyle with the lowest overhead possible.

We live totally off the power grid, heat our home for free with our wood burning central boiler system. We cool our home for free with our solar powered evaporator cooler. We pump our water up from a solar powered well. We use Radiant Flooring under our cement slab floor which heats our home with the heat from our wood burning central boiler. We also use solar tubes for back up water heating. These are just a few energy and money saving things that we do here. We also grow an organic garden that we maintain even through the fall and winter. This greatly decreases our food bill.

This is an ongoing story and a project in process, but this is what we have created so far on our hill of dreams.

This is our cement Geodesic dome home from space. Its architecture was designed by Buckminster Fuller, the original designer of the geodesic dome and fashioned after the carbon molecule. We ordered the dome kit from American Ingenuity Domes in Florida and had it delivered all the way to the Pacific Northwest. The individual triangles came complete with cement outer layer, layer of wire mesh, 7 inches of sytrofoam and the inner layer of sheet rock. The dome is rated R-45 for insulation, which makes the dome excellent for temperature retention.

Stay tuned...the Dream continues...

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